Learning with Brooklynn
World War 2
Ultimately, the Treaty of Versailles that ended WW1 is what started WW2
Basic fueling conflicts
- unresolved conflict from WW1
- economic instability worldwide
-aggressive policies
-failure to peacefully resolve conflicts
How did the role of women change in WW2?
- Labor Shortage caused women to enter the workforce to fill the role of military-bound men
- National Necessity to produce war goods in the factories.
Which overall changed the social norm.
The idea of appeasement was critical in allowing Hitler to become overpowering and controlling Europe. If Britian and France didn't adopt appeasement, Hitler wouldn't have had as much momentum to succeed at his goal.
The war's effect on African Americans- The war gave African American's a chance. They were given the right to fight for their country and that provided a strong argument for future Civil Right's movements.
D- Day. June 6, 1944. The United States military landed in Normandy, France to liberate Western Europe from Nazi occupation. Lots of lives lost, pivotal moment in the war.
Yalta Conference- A meeting between the U.S, Soviet Union, and UK to discuss post war organization and the division of Germany.
Lend- Lease Act- Aid any nation vital to U.S security.
Carpet Bombing- Scattered large bombs over a wide area
Kamikaze- Sacrificed their life by crashing their planes into the enemy
Blitzkrieg- Sudden attacks known as "lightening war"
Selective Training and Service Act- Required men 21-36 to register for military service.
Leapfrogging- Invade only a few strategic islands
Decision to drop bomb- Hiroshima?
Yes- Risk innocent civilians
No- risk the lives of our fighting troops