Learning with Brooklynn
Studying and making connections is the key to succes!
Terms to Know-
See if the highlighted connections help you remember!
Abolition- The act of doing away with something, such as the abolitionist movement to eliminate slavery.
Absolute Advantage- The ability of one country or company, using the same quantity of resources as another country or company, to produce a particular product at a lower absolute cost.
Absolute Monarchy- A hereditary ruler controls all of the functions of government, for example, the tsars of Russia.
Absolutism- A system of government in which a monarch is the only source of power.
Agrarian Society- A society in which people make a living from farming.
Alliances- Formal agreements among nations to cooperate and provide for mutual defense.
Amendments- Changes or an addition to a constitution or law.
Antitrust Legislation- Laws passed by federal and state governments to prevent new monoplies and break up existing ones.
Apartheid- A policy that keeps races seperate, such as South Africa until 1989.
Appeasement- A policy of giving into an agressor's demands in order to keep the peace.
Assimilation- Being absorbed into or adopting characteristics of another culture.
Bias- A perspective, preference, or inclination that inhibits impartial judgement.
Blacklist- A list of individuals or organizations that have incurred disapproval or suspicion or are to be boycotted or otherwise penalized.
Buying on Margin- Paying a fraction of the cost for an item.
Capitalism- An economy in which private individuals own the means of production; a market economy.